Cataloguing and Classification Tools and Competencies in Selected Academic Libraries in Adamawa State
Cataloguing, Classification, Library, Metadata, MARCAbstract
Because rules and guidelines for cataloguing and classification are changing to accommodate online resources, librarians need to adapt to these changes. The study adopted a survey research design. This study sought to find out cataloguing tools and competencies available in selected academic libraries in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Three research objectives guided the study, which were to identify the existing cataloguing and classification tools, establish the competency level of cataloguing and classification staff, and identify challenges in cataloguing and classification. The population of the study was 31 cataloguing and classification staff including professionals and paraprofessionals. A Questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Out of 31 copies of questionnaires distributed, only 20 (65%) copies were completed and returned. Data collated were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency count and mean. The mean was used to answer the research questions. The criterion mean that was used was 2.50. Values above that were termed positive and those below that were termed negative. It was found that cataloguers and classifiers are competent, some of the recent cataloguing tools like RDA and MARC were not in use and the most prominent problems bedevilling the libraries are a lack of training opportunities and a shortage of professional staff. Hence the study recommended that the staff be trained especially on RDA, and adequate and updated versions of tools be provided among others.